CrossFit. What's all the fuss? It turns out CrossFit really is an exceptional way to achieve elite fitness. Think of Tony Horton's P90X, on steroids and more fun. Unlike most programs that can be very repetitive, Crossfit is new everyday, familiar moves, but still new. I have only had the pleasure of working out at CrossFit's version of a gym, known as a "box" once. I have, however, been doing WOD's or "Work Out of the Day" for a week on my own now and have rather enjoyed it. Given the fact that my WOD's are somewhat watered down from an actual box workout, I'm still seem to find myself lying on the ground trying to catch my breath after each workout, which tells me that this is the real deal.
WOD's consist of anaerobic moves which push the body to it's limits each day. A combination of running and strength training keep the body guessing and brings a whole new meaning to Horton's P90X "muscle confusion" theory. The program delivers a broad and general type of fitness, specializing in no specialty. All though very intense, Crossfit IS for everyone, from the weekend warrior, to combat specialists, to Olympic and pro athletes, all can and do benefit from this very exceptional program.
Now that summer is over everyone will be looking to get into shape by next Spring time and if that's your goal I highly recommend this program. Boxes can be found all across the country, Ranger Crossfit in McAllen is where I was introduced to Crossfit in the Rio Grande Valley, pioneers in fitness in the area, if your looking for a Box in your area follow this link
Do yourself a favor and give it a try and if your in the Valley, head over to Ranger Crossfit at 1008 E. Pecan Blvd. Ste D in McAllen. I'm glad I did.